Marine Educative Area Actions for the Sea

Generation 1 School year 2018-2019: 7ème C class at École des Révoires - MEA Creation

The role of generation 1 was to set up the Marine Educative Area. As this is a new concept, the students first identified the different types of habitats and the human activities carried out within and around the MEA. These elements allowed them to better understand all the issues and to consider the preservation measures to be implemented. The official launch of the Marine Educative Area took place on March 27, 2019 at the Oceanographic Museum on the occasion of Monaco Ocean Week.

- Monaco Info Report, MEA creation, 2019 -

Generation 2 School year 2019-2020: 7ème A class at École des Révoires - Plaque "the sea begins here"

Awareness of the problem of pollution and its major impact on the environment, terrestrial or marine, led the students to wish to raise awareness among users of the AME. The flagship action consisted of affixing “the sea begins here” plaques throughout the site.

- MonacoInfo Report, the sea begins here, 2020 -

Generation 3 School year 2020-2021: 7ème A class at Fontvieille School - Awareness signs

In order to raise public awareness, the students wanted to set up various signs on the MEA with the following themes:
- The MEA in its entirety;
- The animal and plant species found within the MEA;
- Fishes and fishing with a focus on catch sizes and recommended fishing periods;
- Pollution by specifying waste degradation time;
- The messages to be transmitted.

- Monaco Info Report, MEA discovery, 2020 -

Generation 4 School year 2021-2022: 7ème A class at Fontvieille School - Sustainable Menu

Sustainable consumption was at the center of the actions carried out by the students with the ultimate objective of preparing a “sustainable menu” offered in school canteens in the Principality. This project allowed students to better understand the notions of balance but also of food waste, sustainable fishing, organic farming, respect for the cycle of the seasons, local production, etc. This sustainable menu was developed in collaboration with the Société Monégasque de Restauration and Michelin-two-starred Chef Marcel Ravin (Monte Carlo Bay Hotel & Resort).

- Monaco Info report, sustainable consumption, 2022 -

Generation 5 School year 2023-2023: 7ème A class at Saint-Charles School - Awareness film about cetaceans

In collaboration with the permanent secretariats of the ACCOBAMS and Pelagos agreements, the students chose to raise awareness about the preservation of cetaceans. To this end, they presented a film, directed by Mr. Stéphane JAMME (Aquanaute), retracing the various workshops in which they participated and recalling the code of good conduct as well as the good actions to adopt in the event of an encounter with cetaceans. In addition, they participated in a collaborative artistic work on the theme of cetaceans, the result of work with the artist Mr One Teas. This work now adorns the walls of the Saint Charles School. To close this year, the students were able to observe these animals in the Pelagos Sanctuary during whale watching days led by Captain Antoine DROCHON from Papeete II (certified structure). These excursions were made possible thanks to the support of the Department of National Education, Youth and Sports and the Monegasque Sport Fishing Federation.
- Monaco Info report, G5 project presentation, 2023 -

Generation 6 School year 2023-2024: 7ème A class at Saint-Charles School - Raising aareness on fish and their habitats

The work of the 6th generation of the Marine Educative Area focused on fish species, in connection with the habitats of the MEA.

During the presentation day of their actions for the sea, the students interpreted the song "Time for Oceans" illustrated by a film realised by Mr. Christian Pétron (Cinémarine). They also presented, via the "Genially" platform, an interactive content creation tool, the workshops that were offered to them throughout the year, as well as the educational and fun sequences they prepared. This content is available at this link and aims to raise awareness among as many children (and also adults) as possible about the preservation of the Mediterranean..

- Monaco Info report, G6 project presentation, 2024 -