Study of fish assemblages with BRUVS - Cold Season
Research and Development
In collaboration with the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation and Community Jameel, a philanthropic organization committed to scientific, humanitarian, and technological fields, AMPN and Thalassa Marine Research & Environmental Awareness continue the innovative research program "BRUVS" (Baited Remote Underwater Video System, developed by Blue Abacus) in the Larvotto Marine Protected Area.
The first campaign, which took place in early July during the warm season, yielded an abundance of information about the deep sandy-muddy habitats of the Larvotto MPA, revealing the presence of species rarely observed while scuba diving.
The second campaign, conducted during the cold season, has just concluded. The recorded data will contribute to a better understanding of the seasonal movements of marine fauna both within the MPA and in the unprotected peripheral areas. We look forward to viewing these recordings!
A big THANK YOU to the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation and Community Jameel for their support in this new research program!