Participation in the study of the Pinna nobilis genome
Research and Development
The Fondation Prince
Albert II de Monaco subsidizes a research program on the study, protection and reproduction of the Mediterranean noble pen shells, Pinna nobilis.
This program brings together three laboratories: the Institute of Marine Biology of Kotor (IMBK), the IMEDMAR of the University of Valencia and the Paul Ricard Oceanographic Institute. The main objective is to decode the genome of the noble pen shell, still unknown to this day.
This study is conducted on different Pinna nobilis populations: in Monaco in the marine protected area of Larvotto, on the Spanish coasts, in France around the Embiez archipelago and in Montenegro in the Mouths of Kotor. Knowledge of the noble pen shell genome will make it possible to assess the degree of connectivity (link by larvae exchanges) between these populations and between the western and eastern basins of the Mediterranean. These genetic analyzes will be carried out at the Paul Ricard Oceanographic Institute. The results result in international scientific publications.
Samples were recently taken by Professor Nardo Vicente, Professor Emeritus of Aix-Marseille University, scientific manager at the Paul Ricard Oceanographic Institute and member of the Scientific Council of the AMPN.
Equipped with a biopsy forceps introduced between the valves, a very small portion of mantle (about 3 mm) of 5 noble pen shells was removed to genetically characterize each individual. This flesh sample, obtained without handling the nacres, has no effect on their health and survival.
In addition to the study of connectivity on a Mediterranean scale, these results will make it possible to determine whether the resurgence of individuals in the marine protected area of Larvotto is linked to possible kinship ties (self-recruitment) or an arrival from outside the reserve due to a favorable combination of currents and geomorphology
The species is referenced in the Barcelona Convention (1976) to which the Principality of Monaco is a signatory (Ordinance No. 14.856 of April 23, 2001). As such, the samples were taken after having obtained the authorizations of the Prince's Government.