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Immersion of new reefs made with a 3D printer

Research and Development

On November 2, 2017, the AMPN immersed new reefs made with a 3D printer.

This project, supported by the Fondation Prince Albert II de Monaco, has enabled us to benefit from new generation reefs produced by the Boskalis Nederland Company in collaboration with the D-Shape 3D Printing Company.

3D printing of artificial reefs made it possible to choose a design that reflected the complexity of the natural environment. The material used, Dolomite sand and volcanic ash, is a natural product avoiding environmental impacts.

A research program on biofilm was launched in 2016 by Professor Patrice Francour (ECOMERS laboratory University Nice-Sophia Antipolis) as part of Mrs. Elisabeth Riera's doctorate, in collaboration with the Joint Research Unit Borea. Its objective is to determine the link between different types of substrates (Dolomite sand, natural rock and concrete) and their colonization by the biofilm.

A second research program on the analysis of the structural complexity of artificial reefs has been launched by Professor Patrice Francour and Elisabeth Riera. The knowledge acquired will make it possible to achieve a high level of complexity when 3D printing artificial reefs and to make them effective tools for managing seabeds in the littoral zone.

The whole project is part of an experimental approach.