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Monitoring brown meagres and dusky groupers - 2022

Natural Heritage

The first annual monitoring campaign for dusky grouper and brown meagre populations has just ended.

This monitoring, carried out by Thalassa Marine research & Environmental awareness, consists of carrying out visual counts of the abundances and sizes of individuals observed along a transect, set at 25 m in length and 5 m in width (i.e. an explored surface of 125 m2 per transect).

For each of the sites (Sporting dike in the Larvotto MPA and riprap located below the Oceanographic Museum), 6 replicates are carried out between 10 and 15 m depth. The collection of data on the presence, abundance and size of brown meagres and dusky groupers at these transects makes it possible to estimate with more precision the average biomass of these species at the level of the surveyed areas.

These biomass data are all the more important as biomass represents one of the most useful variables for evaluating the effect of conservation measures for these protected species.