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Marine Educative Area "Generation 7": MEA discovery on site

Marine Educative Area

This morning, despite unpredictable weather, the 7th grade A students of Saint-Charles School had the chance to explore their Marine Educative Area, for which they are responsible this school year.

During an enriching walk, they discovered the various habitats and species that inhabit this marine zone, while becoming aware of the human pressures that certain activities can exert. At the end of the visit, the students created a synthetic diagram summarizing the key elements of the knowledge they had newly acquired.

The morning continued at the AMPN facility, where the students observed species from the MEA in aquariums. Initially intimidated by starfish, sea urchins, and hermit crabs, they quickly showed overflowing curiosity, asking the educators a multitude of questions.

The students were also introduced to the importance of the Posidonia seagrass, a marine plant essential to the Mediterranean ecosystem. Although absent from the MEA, Posidonia plays a crucial role: it provides shelter and food for many species, helps protect our coasts from erosion, and generates oxygen.

Congratulations to the students on this first step towards their mission as Mediterranean Ambassadors!

This program is supported by the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation and the Government of Monaco.