Marine Educative Area "Generation 6" : Rocky bottoms
Marine Educative Area
On November 22, the AMPN team went to the Saint Charles School to present to the students of the 7th A class, in charge of the Marine Educative Area, the shallow waters and the species that live there.
The students were thus able, through three workshops, to take a virtual dive into the AME, discover the differences between natural and artificial habitats and be introduced to the identification of different species of algae and their distribution.
Then, they had to reproduce what they learned by placing different animal and plant species on representations of the MEA map including the different habitats that can be found there.
The students were enthusiastic to discover the richness of their MEA. This further motivated them to continue their project of creating an interactive support aimed at raising awareness among the general public.
Program supported by the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation and the Government of Monaco.
You can also follow the MEA actions on Instagram: ame_monaco