Marine Educative Area "Generation 5" : Monaco Ocean Week
Marine Educative Area
As part of Monaco Ocean Week 2023, new workshops were offered to students in the 7ème A class of Ecole Saint-Charles, in charge of MEA this year.
On the morning's program:
- a strategy game where challenges must be met and solutions found in order to achieve sustainable and eco-responsible management of the marine environment, the message conveyed: living in harmony (CETAMER - game hosted by the ACCOBAMS);
- a card game intended to raise awareness of environmental conservation and the protection of cetaceans by focusing on maritime traffic (Whale Risk - game hosted by the Pelagos Agreement);
- a workshop on marine sounds in order to understand the issues for cetaceans (game hosted by the AMPN).
A big BRAVO to the students for their enthusiasm!
At the same time, the Saint-Charles School was heavily involved in MOW 2023 and set up, throughout the week and for all classes, workshops related to the marine world and cetaceans. This unifying approach allowed the involvement of all the children and also valued the students in charge of the AME, playing the role of ambassadors for environmental protection within the other classes.
A big THANK YOU to the Ecole Saint-Charles, ACCOBAMS and Pelagos Agreement for their commitment. Everyone’s collaboration is essential to achieve nature preservation objectives!
Program supported by the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation and the Monaco Government.
You can also follow AME's actions on Instagram: ame_monaco