Marine Educative Area "Generation 3": Visit to the fishmonger and MEA
Marine Educative Area
Today, the students of 7ème A from Fontvieille School visited the Condamine market to observe the fishmonger's stall. They created a list of the different species offered for sale. Using rulers, they measured the size of the fish and were able to weigh some of them. They also asked questions about the fishing techniques used and took the opportunity to emphasize the importance of not cutting the fishing lines due to the impacts it generates. They also discussed protected species such as grouper, brown meagre, and bluefin tuna.
A big THANK YOU to Mr. Rinaldi for his hospitality, kindness, and the shrimp tasting!
The outing continued at the Marine Educative Area where the students met Ludovic and Vincent, representatives from the Direction de l’Environnement. Thanks to them, they discovered the different plant and animal species on the cliffs, such as the gecko, seagull, crested cormorant, and bat. Using a telescope and binoculars, the students then observed the cliffs below the oceanographic museum and the nests of some species.
To conclude the morning, the students posed in front of the awareness panels they worked on throughout the year. These will be officially inaugurated next week. Their content is visible on the Instagram account created for the occasion.