Marine Educative Area "Generation 3": To know in order to act
Marine Educative Area
Today, Dr. Heike Molenaar led a workshop aimed at introducing the students of 7ème A at Fontvieille School to the biodiversity of the shallow depths of the Mediterranean Sea.
In the classroom, using binocular magnifiers and/or the naked eye, students observed animal and plant species from two ecosystems.
Identification boards allowed them to record the results in a summary table, mentioning the species or its group, size, etc.
The numerous questions asked reflected their great curiosity and their desire to acquire knowledge about the species present on the rocks and in the sand of their Marine Educative Area.
A positive outcome once again: the awareness of the great diversity of the environment and the importance of taking action to preserve it.
P.S.: All species were returned to their natural habitat after the workshop.