Marine Educative Area "Generation 3": Summary
Marine Educative Area
Today, Dr. Heike Molenaar, accompanied by Camille Devissi and Jacqueline Gautier-Debernardi, conducted an assessment of this new working year on the AME with the students of 7ème A at the Fontvieille School.
The students shared their thoughts on the inauguration of awareness panels in the presence of H.S.H. the Sovereign Prince, a beautiful moment that they will cherish.
They then checked the layout and content of their "alguier" created in December. Afterward, they engaged in a role-playing game in which each pair had to represent a fisherman and a citizen. This enactment served as a reminder of the information provided by the fishmonger during their visit to the Condamine Market.
Finally, the students presented their booklet on the marine animal and plant species inhabiting the AME. For its creation, each child chose one or two species and conducted bibliographic research for the descriptive text.
Each child then received a copy of "Mer Vivante," showcasing the heritage of the Mediterranean Sea, and the book Principauté de Monaco, Biodiversité sous haute surveillance" offered by the Direction de l’Environnement.
This session with the "generation 3" ended with a touch of emotion, as it does every year... the children learned things, and so did we, thanks to them!