Marine Educative Area "Generation 3": Ecological diagnostic
Marine Educative Area
Today, Dr. Alexis Pey (Thalassa Marine Research & Environmental Awareness) presented the ecological diagnosis of the MEA to the students of 7ème A at Fontvieille School.
He explained the scientific approach adopted to gather data and showcased some remarkable species (dusky grouper, brown meagre, seaweeds of the genus Cystoseira).
- Surface habitats were discussed, emphasizing the link between macro-algae and the water quality of the MEA.
- Deeper habitats were explored, covering various attached species and fish communities.
- Artificial habitat was examined, focusing on the wreck of the Toulonnais and its fish populations and coralligenous environment.
An overview of habitats and species was complemented by an exploration of various human pressures exerted on the MEA site or its surroundings.
The students have already grasped the importance of "co-management," involving engaging with MEA users to better understand different challenges and working collaboratively to propose their "actions for the sea" afterward.