Marine Educative Area "Generation 3": Creation of a seaweed herbarium
Marine Educative Area
In continuation of the marine environment discovery workshops offered to the 7ème A class at Fontvieille School, the students created their own seaweed herbarium this morning. Dr. Heike Molenaar conducted scuba dives to collect samples of red, green, and brown algae. After providing information about these algae families, our aspiring biologists carefully arranged them on suitable sheets and will ensure in the coming days that the necessary conditions for drying are maintained.
In parallel, they explored the characteristics of Posidonia, a Mediterranean endemic plant. Leaves, bundles, scales, rhizomes, and roots are no longer a mystery to the students, who also handled the pelotes.
The screening of a film by Christian Petron (Production 2000 regards sous la mer) cleverly complemented the explanations.
The secretaries of the Children's Council for the Sea then ensured, through questions posed to the class, that the concepts discussed were well understood.