RAMPAM project
Do you want to work concretely for the protection of the environment?
Participate in the financing of the RAMPAM project, the Network of Marine Protected Areas of the Alpes-Maritimes and Monaco
The objective of the RAMPAM network is to promote networking of urban marine protected areas of limited surface to develop, at the scale of the Alpes-Maritimes and the Principality of Monaco, an integrated, relevant and sustainable tool for the management of the coastal zone. .
A challenge to take up
Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) are recognized worldwide as effective tools for environmental management. Small MPAs, even close to highly urbanized centres, can play even more important roles if they work in a network. The challenge for the region (Alpes-Maritimes and Monaco) is to equip itself with an operational network to mobilize stakeholders on a larger scale and set up a reasoned management of marine biodiversity.
The project
The work carried out for many years by the ECOMERS laboratory of the University of Nice Sophia Antipolis and its partners shows that the networking of MPAs represents the best alternative for a reasoned management of biodiversity.
The project of the ECOMERS laboratory is to support the managers of small MPAs on the Côte d'Azur and the Principality of Monaco to:
• share monitoring protocols and boost scientific research,
• establish a permanent dialogue between managers,
• reinforce the notion of appropriation of the marine space by the users who live from it (professional fishermen, diving clubs, tourism sector, etc.),
• promote participatory science
• and develop a model urban network of small marine protected areas that can be transposed elsewhere in the Mediterranean.
A donation campaign to finance the project
Three years will suffice to launch an operational management network and sustain it. The funding will allow the recruitment of a scientist in charge of its animation. This network will be all the more efficient as it relies on the academic skills of the ECOMERS laboratory of the University of Nice Sophia Antipolis, benefits from the support of the managers of local MPAs and is already based on the awareness of economic and institutional partners. necessary for its operation.