Invitation to the General Meeting of February 13
The General Assembly of the Monegasque Association for the Protection of Nature will take place on:
Wednesday, February 13 at 6:30 p.m.
at the House of Associations
(2 bis Promenade Honoré II in the extension of the Apolline gardens)
Only up-to-date members may participate in this Assembly.
If you are unable to attend, would you please send your proxy to the AMPN secretariat.
You will find attached the membership form as well as the power to complete. Please also note the new contact email address for AMPN members, the initial address being reserved for the Director of the AMPN.
1. Moral report
2. Financial report
3. Action program
4. Miscellaneous matters
5. Office modification
Thank you in advance for your presence.
The president
Stephanie Reynaud-Berthier
To download :
• the membership form: AMPN-bulletin-adhesion
• Pouvoir: AMPN-pouvoir-AG-2018