Conference February 22, 2018 : The grouper, a top predator that unleashes passions
February 22 at the Maison des Associations – 7 p.m.
Free admission
Whether you are a scuba diver, hunter, sea lover or simple earthling, you certainly know the grouper. Emblematic fish of the Mediterranean, Jojo of his little name has always unleashed passions. Movie star, trophy, icon, bioindicator, he attracts many qualifiers and never leaves anyone indifferent. But who is he really? Why so much enthusiasm for this “simple” fish? Scientists are beginning to understand its personality, its importance as a top predator in the food chain and they now see in it an illustration of the efforts made to preserve the marine environment. Its presence along our Mediterranean coasts is an encouraging sign of success in environmental protection initiatives. But everything is not a foregone conclusion and there is still a long way to go for the “grouper king” to be out of the woods for good. For years, scientists and a few sea lovers have been fighting alone. The development of participatory science now makes it possible to involve volunteer divers. They not only contribute to the acquisition of data alongside scientists, but, through their participation, they become full players in the preservation of this species. The management of marine biodiversity is therefore no longer a matter for specialists, but a matter of common good that must be understood, appropriated and preserved.
Patrice Francour
University Professor. Deputy Director of the ECOMERS laboratory
Member of the international commission of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) in charge of groupers
Member of the Grouper Study Group (GEM)
Member of the AMPN Scientific Council
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