AMPN: member of MedPan
A major step forward for the Monegasque Association for the Protection of Nature which, since September 29, 2016, has been a member of the MedPAN network. This new status offers great prospects in terms of exchanges and visibility on the international scene.
MedPAN is the network of Marine Protected Area managers in the Mediterranean.
It currently brings together nearly 100 institutions and NGOs from 18 Mediterranean countries which either directly manage Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) or are involved in the development of MPAs in the Mediterranean.
These actors manage more than 90 Marine Protected Areas in 18 Mediterranean countries.
The mission of the MedPAN network is to promote the sustainability and functionning of a Mediterranean network of ecologically representative, connected and efficiently managed MPAs contributing to reducing the current rate of loss of marine biodiversity.
The actions of the network are based on three axes:
1.To be a network of knowledge, information, anticipation and synthesis
2. Strengthen the life of the network, the interactivity between its members and their ability to effectively manage MPAs in conjunction with other actors of the territory
3. Consolidate the sustainability, visibility, governance and means of the MedPAN network
The actions undertaken by the network are the result of coordination between the members and partners of the network in order to ensure their effectiveness and scope. Key players in the Mediterranean such as RAC/SPA of the United Nations Environment Programme, WWF, Conservatoire du Littoral, IUCN Mediterranean, Agence des Aires Marines Protégées, ACCOBAMS or CGPM are partners in the network and work together to synchronize their activities. The MedPAN association, which leads the MedPAN network, has a unifying role and a dissemination role with specific actions on certain themes.
Some key actions:
• MAPAMED, the database of MPAs in the Mediterranean Sea
• Status of MPAs in the Mediterranean every 4 years
• Scientific watch
• Exchanges of experiences between managers
• Call for small projects
• Newsletter and website
• Forum of MPAs every 4 years
• Representation of the network in European, Mediterranean and international conferences.
The network has existed since 1990. It has been run since 2010 by the MedPAN association, a permanent structure with its own funding created at the end of 2008.