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TF1 report : 3D Reefs and BRUVS

Education and Awareness

Two great days with a TF1 team who came to produce a report on the monitoring of 3D printed artificial reefs submerged in 2017 in the Larvotto Marine Protected Area and on the new research program allowing, thanks to BRUVS (Baited Remote Underwater Video System), to carry out new inventories on fish populations.

A big THANK YOU to Ludovic Romanens and Julien Bervillé, TF1 journalists, to the Direction des Affaires Maritimes for providing a boat and to its sailors for their valuable help.

As a reminder, the BRUVS program, developed by Blue Abacus, is supported by the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation and Community Jameel. The implementation of the project is carried out by Thalassa Marine Research & Environmental Awareness.