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Science Fair 2023

Education and Awareness

On Saturday October 14, the AMPN participated in the Science Fair organized in Monaco by the Centre Scientifique de Monaco and the Musée d'Anthropologie Préhistorique de Monaco.

The aim of this day was to present to the general public the research actions carried out within the Principality's Marine Protected Areas.

Educational workshops made it possible to illustrate and introduce participants to the scientific protocols for monitoring the state of health of the Posidonia meadows as well as to the experimental restoration project.

The models of artificial reefs were used to show the evolution of these structures from the first reefs of the 1980s to the most recent submerged by the Association in 2017. This also made it possible to explain the scientific protocols aimed at evaluating the the effectiveness of these structures.

A big THANK YOU to the organizers for this friendly day rich in scientific content and to our volunteers for their support and motivation.