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MPA presentation at École Saint-Charles in CM2 class : Intervention n°3

Education and Awareness

Today, the last intervention of the year took place with Ms. Bancel's 7ème B class at Saint-Charles school.

It was an opportunity to take stock of the knowledge acquired on the theme of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) in Monaco.

Using the interactive board and independently, the students positioned the different prohibitions, habitats, species, developments and users on the map of the Larvotto MPA.

They then slipped into the shoes of the scientists to count the brown meagres and the dusky groupers (protected and emblematic fish species of the Mediterranean) during a simulated scuba dive. Separated into several groups, some played the role of fish and others that of scientists with the aim of noting on census plates the species encountered, their number, their size and their direction in relation to the counter.

They were very interested and were able to understand the issues faced by scientific divers and managers (identification of species, estimation of the sizes of individuals, detection of fish based on their behavior, etc.).

We thank the Director of Saint-Charles School, Ms. Fuentes-Van Klaveren, who allowed us to carry out these awareness-raising actions. We want to highlight the investment of their teacher, Ms. Bancel, whose advice will allow us to improve the workshops.

A big CONGRATULATION to the students for their involvement and enthusiasm! Through these three interventions, they were able to understand the main issues of MPA management, and learn more about the natural heritage of the Principality.