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Census campaign of brown meagres, noble pen shells of the Mediterranean and ferruginous limpet

Education and Awareness

On June 19, as part of the RAMOGE agreement, a census campaign was launched to collect data on 3 protected species: the brown meagre, the noble pen shell and the ferruginous limpet.

The objective of this operation is to enrich the scientific data on these species by listing the observations of divers in our region in a database on the RAMOGE website.
Submersible slates to collect certain information have been distributed to participants and will be made available to divers from interested diving clubs.
This tool will make it possible to better understand and better protect these species.

A presentation of heritage species by Mr. Jean-Michel Cottalorda, engineer at the ECOMERS laboratory of the University of Nice Sophia-Antipolis, took place at the CESMM followed by a dive in the Larvotto marine protected area. 14 divers were able to write down their observations on the slates and report them on a centralizing document to be fed into the RAMOGE database.
The group assigned to the Sporting breakwater was able to identify 8 brown meagres and observe a school of juvenile gilthead sea breams as well as the passage close to the surface of several large barracudas.